学校名称:伍德霍尔中学The Woodhall School(康州男子中学)
留学群介绍,伍德霍尔中学The Woodhall School课程位置:
代数 美国历史 美国文学 艺术 生物 微积分 化学 戏剧 英语 环境科学 几何学 希腊语 语言与作文 拉丁语 物理 预微积分 西班牙语 世界文明等。特殊课程有大学入学准备课程,荣誉课程,自主学习,为注意力不集中和非语言学习障碍的学生提供特殊课程,ESL课程。
伍德霍尔中学The Woodhall School课外活动:
体育:篮球,越野赛跑,足球,自由滑雪,冰上曲棍球,山地自行车,户外活动越野滑雪,山下滑雪,自行车,拳击,保龄球,高尔夫,武术,游泳,潜水,登山自行车皮划艇 长曲棍球举重,瑜伽。
伍德霍尔中学The Woodhall School学生成绩:
平均SAT批判性阅读652,SAT数学500,SAT写作569,SAT平均在 574。平均ACT作文25。
伍德霍尔中学The Woodhall School入学要求:
At Woodhall, teachers and students dispense with labels, believing that ninety-nine percent of learning happens outside the classroom. We offer an individualized approach that addresses the needs of the whole student: a boy‘s intellectual, physical, moral, and spiritual growth. In a matter of speaking, then, when a boy comes to Woodhall, he is not just a brain but also a heart. The School’s motto, Soli Ipse Adesse, translates to “Be present to [the student] himself alone.” At Woodhall, we are present to the whole student. We meet the boy where he is rather than demand an expectation of where he should be.