We are very proud of our school and particularly proud of the achievements of our students. We value the strong academic tradition at Burwood Girls High School and we are delighted with our new facilities. Students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 have been issued with laptops and technology based learning is thriving in classrooms. Our performing arts programs become stronger each year.
We believe in striving for excellence and expect all students to develop a love for learning, a thirst for knowledge and enjoy the challenges in attaining their goals.
Our school community embraces the school motto, ‘Not for ourselves alone’, and continues to celebrate cultural diversity, and value our contribution to others less fortunate. Students sponsor schools overseas as part of the ‘Hands Across the Ocean’ program.
This year our focus is on the development of middle school initiatives as well as maintaining our environment. Students and staff continue to work well as a team to ensure positive outcomes for all students.
More than 200 BGHS students participate in the Burwood Ensemble Program (BEP) which offers the chance for students to learn musical instruments from top professional musicians, to learn ensemble musicianship and participate in a vast array of small and large ensembles with many in-school, DET and community performing opportunities.
The BEP is comprised of four concert bands (directed by Daniel Murphy, Tara Fermor and Diana Springford), a Stage Band (directed by Murray Jackson), three rock bands (tutored by Tony Gibson), the Musettes (our contemporary choir taken by Patricia Amphlett aka “Little Pattie”), a brass ensenble (with Elina Surronen) and a percussion ensemble (taken by Jon Collins). All groups each have a regular schedule of weekly rehearsals; the Senior and Intermediate Bands tour regional NSW each year and the Junior Concert Band goes on a day trip; and all bands have a busy performing schedule. From the larger ensembles are drawn many smaller chamber groups who rehearse on an “as required” basis for school and community events.
The BEP is motivated by the school motto “Not For Ourselves Alone”. The community band and lesson program for primary students allows us to share our facilities and expertise for those in our local area. Every year we host the Inner West Ensembles Festival, which brings together primary and secondary ensembles of all kinds from our surrounding area to play for each other and to be advised by an expert adjudicator. The BEP concert bands and chamber ensembles play for the local Croydon Park, Ashfield and Burwood RSL ANZAC and memorial services, they march in the Sydney City, and the Ashfield and Burwood ANZAC marches, they play for local events such as Seniors Week and local fundraisers, and the girls also play for Department of Education and Burwood Council for events, citizenship ceremonies, memorials and festivals.
For detailed information about the program and how to join up and for forms and calendars, please see our BEP Handbook 2012. The calendar in the handbook is subject to change. Always check this page for the latest version of the BEP Calendar 2012 Mrs Elaine Browne, Mrs Suzanne Staines and Mrs Anne Kainz form the administrative backbone of this busy and rewarding program. Ms Diana Springford is the Director.