佩斯大学(Pace University)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1906年,位于美国纽约市,提供本科、硕士、博士、副学士、文凭课程五种学位类型。佩斯大学共有学生12,700余人,包括鲁宾商学院、文理学院、计算机与信息系统学院、卫生专业学院、教育学院、法学院的本科、硕士和博士阶段的学生。
据留学群介绍:佩斯大学教育学院(School of Education)研究生阶段开设有如下学位项目:
儿童教育(Master of Science for Teachers(MST) Childhood)
成人教育(Master of Science for Teachers (MST) Adolescent)
英语外教(Master of Science for Teachers (MST) in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL))
强化成人教育(Master of Science for Teachers (MST) in Inclusive Adolescent Education (STARS Program))
儿童与儿童特殊教育(Master of Science for Teachers (MST) in Childhood and Childhood Special Education)
早期儿童成长、学习与干预(Master of Science (MST) in Early Childhood Development, Learning & Intervention)
语文教育(Master of Education (MSEd) in Literacy Specialist)*
特殊教育(Master of Education (MSEd) in Special Education)*
教育技术(Master of Science in Education (MSEd): Educational Technology Specialist)
教育技术研究(Master of Science in Education (MS): Educational Technology Studies)
教育领导(Master of Education (MSEd) in Educational Leadership)
教育领导-学校区域经济规划(Master of Science in Education (MSEd) in Educational Leadership-School District Business Leader)
学校名称: 美国佩斯大学(纽约) Pace University (New York)
所在位置:美国,1 Pace Plaza New York, NY 10038-1598 (212) 346-1200