

2017-08-08 01:25
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.comic books radio television film theatre。 It is the information age we are living in, which means information is everywhere and everything. People is under an environment called information explosion, in where not only dose information itself, but also the media for, or say forms of, communication becomes more and more varied. These forms includes but not limited to books, telegram, telephone, FAX, radio, television, film, computer, and mobile devices. In this essay, quotation marks were added to the word effective. it is because if TV is really effective or not depends on what the effective is defined. Accroding to common sense of literal meaning of effective, TV is the most effective on. But, as Neil Postman discovered, the content pressed by TV is meaningless compared to what books output causing, from a view of human developement, decay of peoples skill of reasoning, the difference separats beings and animal. Thus, if consider meaningful is part of effective, TV may be the worst media ever. The answer is flying in the time.