the following is the rank of top10 in finance of master 1.University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学2 The University of Chicago芝加哥大学 3 New York University纽约大学 4 Columbia University,The School of General Studies哥伦比亚大学5 Stanford University斯坦福大学 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院7 University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校 8 Harvard University哈佛大学9 Northwestern University西北大学 10 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校一般在美国的一年生活费是8000-12000美金不等。
学费每年1万美元左右Below is the details of fee of Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院)美国麻省大学研究生学费及生活费情况明细 Estimated Annual Tuition and Fee Expenses for 2008-09 (12 credits)Massachusetts ResidentsTuition $ 2,640Required Fees 7,766Total$ 10,406Non-Residents(国际学生按照下面的标准)Tuition $ 9,937 (学费)Required Fees 10,471 (生活费)Total$ 20,408 (总费用)Tuition and fees are calculated on an annual basis for a graduate student carrying 12 credits per semester. Tuition and fees are prorated for fewer than 12 credits. Graduate Assistants with a Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) tuition waiver pay annually about $1,350 in mandatory fees.HOpe it is useful for you.....。