MIlton当然是前十. 是进得去进不去的问题.。
爬藤率28%, 这个要是不突出的话,美国就没有几所突出的学校了。
2016年Business Insider的寄宿高学排名中还是前10中的第7,不用太纠结于排名,排名只是一个参考作用。
无论怎样,Milton是一所学术一流,艺术、体育也都非常强的寄宿高中,入学门槛也是相当高的,托福平均录取成绩近115,SSAT 95%。
Milton is for sure the top school. It is noted for its prestige and strong academic programs, having produced many notable alumni, and offers a large variety of extracurricular activities for students. It provides rigorous preparation for college and includes 180 courses in nine academic departments.。