如果孩子音乐方面出色要求高, 学校的乐团除了极少数几个基本是满足不了要求的, 建议找个靠近大城市的学校, 然后课外参加当地的青少年乐团.。
St. Albans School是位于华盛顿市中心的一所寄宿学校,我去年参观了这所学校,招生官毕业于Loomis中学,学生和老师都非常绅士,住宿就是教学楼的楼上,校园面积不是很大。
Pomfret School寄宿生比例大约为80%。
Percentage of boarding is approximately 5%. In general, the 79 members of the class of 2015 applied to 184 different colleges and received a total of 304 acceptances; 49 schools were represented among their final matriculation plans. Colleges include University of Chicago, Harvard College, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, and others.。