Unfortunately your offense is not tolerated in the U.S. too well. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may get a slap on the wrist or permanent record which may affect your admissions possibilities to colleges. The teacher is duty-bound to inform your parents because he/she wants to make sure you and your parents are aware that is not to be repeated and if not corrected, will only result in more serious consequence. You need to prove that you realize the gravity of the offense and not try to hide it from the school or your parents. I know it is not an advise you would like to hear but you need to realize that taking short cuts in life will not always help you succeed. Be honest with yourself and admit your fault and let your teacher and parent help you overcome the temptation and do your best for your future.。
在美国作弊还是一个蛮严重的事情,可能会走honor council,但是既然老师都说没什么大事,你也不必太慌张。