1. I am not sure you meant for phone card or phone. Having a phone card would be a good idea for emergency situation. Also, having a cell phone is a good idea too. Each school has its own policy to use a cell phone in school hours and a student is usually free to use their phones. The question is how a student can get it and use it wisely. An international student who is a minor without a good credit history, she might have a difficulty to get one unless she pays in full for the device from the beginning.。
1 学校会帮忙协助购买。
1. 关于这个手机卡,电脑,行前准备的事情,建议你参考这个博客链接,希望可以给你更详细的帮助:。
Another thing that I wanted to mention is that when you get to the States, if you have a Google account, you can sign up for Google Voice. Since you need to authenticate it when your daughter has a phone number, you can only do it when you are there. This service not only allows you to call via video, but you can call your daughter on her cell phone in case of emergencies. Please let me know if you need help on how to do that. It's a little complicated.。