定期活期都没问题啊 存款证明+银行对账单/流水就搞定! 你成年的而且资金在自己名下话就用不到什么担保信啊。
父母的sponsor letter,关系证明。
Evidence of money that is available to you - acceptable documents
The following documents, with the exception of the loan letter, must cover a consecutive 28-day period ending no more than a month before the date of your application.
Personal bank or building society statements
Personal bank or building society statements must show:
your name, or the name(s) of your parent(s) or legal guardian;
the account number;
the date of the statement;
the financial institution's name and logo; and
the amount of money available.
You cannot use mini-statements from cash machines (ATMs) as evidence.
You can use electronic bank statements from an online account if they include all the
information above. Each electronic statement should bear the bank's official stamp on every page, or you must provide a supporting letter from the bank, on company headed paper, confirming the statements' authenticity.
If you want to use a joint account as proof of your money, you must be named on the account along with at least one other person.
We will not accept statements that show the balance in the account on a particular day, as these do not show that you hold enough funds for the full 28-day period required.