

2017-10-30 10:12
本人想去英国学习金融, 会计类硕士,大学没有什么获奖经历,主要是在班里成绩一直前十名,班级任生活委员,参加学生会外联部并成功拉回很多赞助,申请学校还没想好。(中英文都行,不要模板,或者二,三百字提纲也行,谢谢)
  • 荔枝的李志
  • 已答4434问题
  • 2017-10-30 22:48

I wish you all the best, the letter you asking for is a PR (personal reference), simply I will not to do all the wiriting for you, but I would give you some suggestion.

Firstly, a good PR is to tell the university you apply to that you are the right person they should give you an offer. As I have read from your question, I think you could say that you are an active student union member in your previous university and you are hard working,etc.

The second thing you should add in your PR is why you want to study finance and accounting.

The last thing I think you need to mention is that why have you chose this university, for example, this university could maxize my dream, etc.

Agian, wish you all the best and have good fun in England.

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