学校名称: 美国国际学校(桑兰德公园) International Schools (Sunland Park)
正常是可以直接读大学的,加拿大的大学对不同体制的教育会有不同要求,这个需要参照英国教育体制的要求~以UBC为例吧,要求如下(抱歉我不太懂英国,以下信息供你参考): General admission requirements (United Kingdom)Graduation from a university-preparatory program at a senior secondary school:Standing in at least five academic subject areas including English with at least three UBC-approved academic A Levels (or six at the Advanced Subsidiary Level). A subject may not be counted at both the A Level and the GCSE Level (O Level).Admission average calculated on final year academic courses/exams: Your admission average is calculated on at least two GCSEs (O Levels) and three GCE A Levels (or six Advanced Subsidiary Levels).。
建议现在申请 高三毕业以后直接就可以出国啦。